
Database entry: Supporting BFCC's visibility and project transparency

The BFCC project now has an entry in the database of the German Network for Healthcare Research (‚Versorgungsforschung Deutschland’). The database enables researchers to network with other healthcare researchers by registering research projects and, thus, enabling specific searches for projects using research methods such as research topics, applied study designs, methods and instruments. As a transnational register for fractures, the BFCC project seeks to connect with a wide array of actors in the health sector in different countries to raise the standards of fracture management and innovation, and to close information gaps through transnational research. The database and the BFCC fracture register aim to meet the necessary conditions and transparency to transfer project results from theory to practice.


Go to BFCC’s entry at Versorgungsforschung Deutschland Datenbank (available only in German).

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